Who We Are

Over the years of circle track racing in the Southern Idaho and Eastern Oregon area our sport has a rich history. From humble beginnings of servicemen returning from war looking for hobbies with their newfound mechanical skills, to the highly regarded facilities and talented participants, our history runs deep. Several different groups of people were organized along the way for various meaningful reasons; the MAA, MMA, WIRA, BVRA, TVRA, ISRL, IHRS and others. 

As time has marched on, these groups have led the growth of our sport locally. The two clubs currently active are the IHRS and the WIRA HOF. Over the last several months the two groups have been meeting and have voted to merge the two entities into one, taking the name of the IHRS.
The purpose of this group is to preserve our past, enhance the present, and embrace our future.

We recently reached our first goal to purchase an enclosed trailer to use as a rolling display of our precious historic items. This trailer will allow the display to travel to various tracks and other venues. Our next goal is to get this trailer wrapped interior fixtures upgraded to safely store and transport the valuable artifacts.

The Society has achieved non-profit status through the state of Idaho and opened full banking access.